BIST Stock Indices
The index is composed of stocks of the companies offered to the public and started to be traded on Stars, Main and SubMarket. Companies are included in BIST IPO Index on the first trading day and they remain in the index for 2 years.
If the number of stocks in the index falls below 5 due to the expiration of 2 years, the expired stock remains in the index until a new stock is included. According to that exception when a new stock is included, the stocks which continue to remain in the index are excluded from the index respectively considering their waiting times.
BIST IPO Index was started to be calculated on April 27, 2010.
Please click for BIST IPO Index (XHARZ) constituents.
Index Name | Index Code | Last Update Time (Türkiye Time) | Last | Change (%) | High | Low | Currency | Change, MTD (%) | Change, YTD (%) | Base Date | Base Value |
BIST IPO | XHARZ | 2/17/2025 | 93,834.28 | 0.29 | 94,200.29 | 93,685.39 | TRY | 1.15 | 0.57 | 04/26/2010 | 590.43 |
BIST IPO RETURN | XHARZ_CFCNTLTL | 2/17/2025 | 117,127.20 | 0.29 | 117,584.06 | 116,941.34 | TRY | 1.15 | 0.57 | 04/26/2010 | 590.43 |
BIST IPO (USD) | XHARZ_CFCPTLUS | 2/17/2025 | 15,103.63 | 0.17 | 15,103.63 | 15,103.63 | USD | 0.06 | -1.86 | 04/26/2010 | 2,339.02 |
BIST IPO RETURN (USD) | XHARZ_CFCNTLUS | 2/17/2025 | 18,852.88 | 0.17 | 18,852.88 | 18,852.88 | USD | 0.06 | -1.86 | 04/26/2010 | 2,339.02 |
BIST IPO (EURO) | XHARZ_CFCPTLER | 2/17/2025 | 16,886.58 | 0.04 | 16,886.58 | 16,886.58 | EUR | -0.85 | -2.51 | 04/26/2010 | 2,056.02 |
BIST IPO RETURN (EURO) | XHARZ_CFCNTLER | 2/17/2025 | 21,078.42 | 0.04 | 21,078.42 | 21,078.42 | EUR | -0.85 | -2.51 | 04/26/2010 | 2,056.02 |