Borsa İstanbul Equity Market provides investment opportunities to the most prominent companies of the growing Turkish economy in various sectors.
In order to facilitate the decision-making process and guide investors, market segments are defined based on criteria including market capitalization, free float, and liquidity among others. The main equity market segments of Borsa İstanbul are Stars, Main and Submarket.
Trading on the Equity Market is carried out based on price and time priority through (i) "continuous trading", (ii) "continuous trading with market maker", and (iii) "single price" trading methods, with a fully automated electronic trading system. The clearing and settlement of securities and cash regarding Borsa İstanbul Equity Market are realized on T+2 basis. Daily price limits are applied for stocks traded in the Equity Market. Additionally, to reduce risks resulting from market wide or stock specific price volatility, circuit breakers are triggered if predetermined thresholds are reached.
For details about Equity Market please click here.
Annual Key Metrics
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