Bell-ringing Ceremony

Bell-ringing Ceremony

The opening and closing of the markets in Borsa İstanbul are announced to the traders and the public in general by ringing a bell symbolically at the opening and closing times. Such symbolic announcement is turned into a celebration on particularly special days and occasions, and for this purpose, bell-ringing ceremonies are organized at Borsa İstanbul.

Borsa İstanbul decided to make available the bell-ringing ceremony, which has so far been open to publicly traded companies only, for legal persons as well. Therefore, companies are offered to get significant coverage in the visual, printed and digital media.

We frequently come across news such as “Borsa İstanbul’s bell rings for …… company today” in the press. Would you not like to get such coverage?


We offer a brand new opportunity for all companies regardless of whether their shares are traded on Borsa İstanbul. Companies may henceforth organize bell-ringing ceremonies on special occasions such as anniversaries, mergers/acquisitions, product launch, etc. at the opening or closing of Borsa İstanbul Equity Market, and ring the opening or closing bell.

Bell-ringing ceremonies will be open for not companies only, but other organizations (professional associations, sectoral and regional associations, chambers, etc.) as well, so that it will be possible to celebrate special days and occasions at Borsa İstanbul, ensuring a stronger and wider coverage in the visual and printed media.


In addition to interview areas, sound and light effects, photo and video shooting, press and media services, master of ceremonies, PR services, Borsa İstanbul allocates the foyer area and offers catering services. Any additional services may be provided by Borsa İstanbul. Detailed information is available in the following links:

Related Pages

Ceremony Area Meeting Rooms Media Services Catering Other Services


Related Pages


Please visit Borsa İstanbul’s Youtube Channel for recent bell-ringing ceremony videos.
Sample Program

Opening Session Bell-Ringing Ceremony

09:00    Coffee/Tea - Borsa İstanbul Foyer

09:35    Borsa İstanbul and company officials at the bell-ringing ceremony area

09:40    Bell-ringing ceremony at Borsa İstanbul Foyer

09:45    Speeches by Borsa İstanbul and company officials

10:00    Crystal Gong Hammer (1) presentation in memory of the event

10:05    Interviews and photo shooting

Closing Session Bell-Ringing Ceremony

18:05    Coffee/Tea - Borsa İstanbul Foyer

18:10    Bell-ringing ceremony at Borsa İstanbul Foyer

18:15    Speeches by Borsa İstanbul and company officials

18:20    Crystal Gong Hammer (1) presentation in memory of the event

18:35    Interviews and photo shooting

18:50    Cocktail Prolonge - Borsa İstanbul Foyer

Contact Us

Please contact Borsa İstanbul Marketing and Sales Directorate for your questions about bell-ringing ceremonies.

Tel: +90 212 298 28 71 or +90 212 298 22 39
