TLREF Turkish Lira Overnight Reference Rate is created in order to meet the need of Turkish Lira short-term reference rate that can be used as an underlying or a benchmark in financial products, debt instruments and different types of financial contracts.
TLREF Methodology is determined by the Committee which is made up of representatives of the Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye, Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Treasury and Finance, The Banks Association of Türkiye, Turkish Capital Markets Association, İstanbul Settlement and Custody Bank and Borsa İstanbul. Click here for TLREF Methodology.
Date | TLREF Rate |
TLREF Return Calculation Monitor
Periodic Return Calculation Based On Date Selection |
Periodic Return Calculation Based On Number of Days |
The data of TLREF rate and BIST TLREF Index which is created in order to track the returns of TLREF rate that is calculated by using the overnight repo transactions, that are secured by TL denominated government debt securities and realized on Borsa Istanbul Repo-Reverse Repo Market, with the starting value date of the same day, can be reached from BISTECH Data Dissemination System and “TLREF Data” link below as of June 17, 2019.
TLREF Turkish Lira Overnight Reference Rate | Update Period | |
Daily | After 16:00 (On half days after 12:45) | |
Historical | After 19:30 |
BIST TLREF Index | Update Period | |
Daily | After 16:00 (On half days after 12:45) | |
Historical | After 19:30 |
(1) In order to view csv files correctly in MS Excel, the "Number" settings of the PC should be as follows : Decimal Symbol '.' Digit Grouping ','
(2) You can download formats and patterns of the data files that are being generated by the BISTECH platform from here.
Click here for the TLREF data for the period 2009-2018, which was created retrospectively for the investors to use in simulations. (Market and Minimum Amount criteria in TLREF Methodology were not taken into consideration in calculation of this data. No data is available for zero volume days.)
TLREF Return Matrix | Update Period | |
Daily | After 16:00 (On half days after 12:45) |
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As of August 1, 2015 the data files below became available only at These files have been removed from the Borsa İstanbul web site. |
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