TLREFK Turkish Lira Overnight Participation Reference Rate is created in order to meet the need of Turkish Lira short-term reference rate that can be used as an underlying or a benchmark in participation banks’ financial products, debt instruments and different types of financial contracts.

TLREFK rate is calculated by using the return rates that are realized on Borsa İstanbul Committed Transactions Market with the same day starting value buy-sell transactions that are realized between the seller party with a commitment to repurchase a predetermined TRY capital market instrument and the buyer party with a commitment to resell that instrument. The data of TLREFK rate and BIST TLREFK Index, which is created in order to track the returns of TLREFK rate, can be reached from BISTECH Data Dissemination System and and “TLREFK Data” link below as of June 22, 2022.

TLREFK Methodology is determined by the Committee which is made up of representatives of Borsa İstanbul and Participation Banks Association of Türkiye and The Secretariat of the Committee is carried out by the Participation Banks Association of Türkiye.

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